A planned transition is a good transition. Get the right people around you to support you.
The National Autistic Society transition support service is a free service for young autistic people aged 14 years plus and their parents or carers, looking for information and advice on the transition to adulthood. This includes young people preparing to leave school as well as further and higher education
What to do next?
Decide who you need to include in your transition support and speak to them about your plans.
Questions to think about
- Who do you want to be involved in supporting your transition? This should include people you know now and key people from the university you are going to.
- What aspects of your transition do you feel confident about? These might be skills and qualifications that you have, study strategies and resources or good support you can count on.
- What aspects of your transition do you think you will need help with? This might be to do with finding information or developing practical skills.
Additional information and links
AuVision is an online resource created by the University of Birmingham which guides staff on how best to support autistic students.
The UoB intranet also has some good general pages to help you and your family prepare:
What to expect on while visiting an open day
Essential Administration before you start
Parents and Guardians Welcome information hub
UoB self-help guides and wellbeing apps.