It’s hard to know what university is like until you get there, and all universities are different. In some ways it’s easier to describe what university isn’t! Well, everyone says that it is not like school or college, or work, or home. So, what IS university really like? This activity aims to give you a realistic view, based on things students told us they wish they had known.
Full articlePreparing for University
2 Choosing a course and university
This article will help you decide what to study, and at which university. We provide practical tips on how to compare universities, how to prepare for open days and who to talk to at these events.
Full article3 Transition support services
A planned transition is a good transition. Get the right people around you to support you.
Full article4 Managing money
This free module covers a wide range of money-related topics.
5 What to take when moving to university
Moving away from home to university takes some planning – as well as everything you will need to study, you also need to think about everything you will need for daily life.
Full article6 What are residentials really like?
Residential weekends are a common part of distance education courses and can form part of the core teaching for the course.
Full article7 First week on campus
A good start to your studies will really help you. Take some time to think about your first week – plan how to make the most of it and how to deal with the challenges.
Full article8 Telling staff at university about your autism
This article is about the issues around telling people who work for the university about your autism – also known as ‘disclosure’ or ‘declaring a disability’.
Full article9 What is Disabled Students Allowance?
Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) is a grant intended to cover the extra costs of having a disability, long-term illness, mental health condition, or being autistic, dyslexia or dyspraxia. This activity explains DSA, why it could be useful to you and how to claim it.
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