What are Seminars really like?

During the covid-19 pandemic seminars needed to change.  There are now different types of seminar depending on restrictions.


Online seminars

Online seminars follow up ideas presented in prerecorded (or live) lectures and the readings that have been set for the week.  They will happen on zoom or MSTeams.

Do switch your mic off, unless you are talking.  If you can have your video on while you are sat at a table or desk, please do.

The tutor will lead the discussion and provide time for questions to be asked.  You may want to speak in person, or leave questions in the chat.

In person seminars

Like online seminars, in person seminars follow up from lectures and set readings.  They are usually in smaller groups of 6 to 15 students, though in some subjects they can be up to 40.

Seminars will be led by your course tutor.  Later in the term students may be asked for presentations to aid your fellow students learning.

What to do next?

Turn up

Practical tips

It is expected that you will have attempted some or most of the reading before the seminar. Do still attend if you have not got round to it, tutors understand that universe life is busy.  You will still find seminars useful.

Take notes

Tutors and follow students will hopefully be interesting.

Email tutor in advance

If you are not comfortable talking in front of the small group, email your tutor asking not to have surprise questions directed at you.  You might also want to send a small photo so they know what you look like.

Arrive early, leave late

If you don’t have a hurried timetable, think about arriving 10 minutes early and leaving 10 minutes late to avoid crowded corridors.